MacDroid PRO
subscription details
MacDroid PRO is sold as an annual auto-renewal subscription. You are guaranteed to receive all updates of MacDroid PRO for absolutely free during the subscription period.
Free MacDroid allows you to try the PRO version for 7 days without any charge. You can either keep your subscription after the free 7-day trial (your payment method will be charged) or cancel it before the trial expires. If you cancel the subscription MacDroid will revert to the free version allowing you to transfer files from Android to Mac only.
To benefit from a full set of features - subscribe to MacDroid PRO.
- AndroidMac
- MacAndroid
- Regular updates
What happens after my trial expires?
How will I be billed?
On how many Macs can I use MacDroid subscription?
MacDroid PRO subscription can be used on up to 5 Macs you own (you won’t be charged additionally for installing MacDroid PRO on each of these Macs).
The number of Android and MTP devices you connect and transfer data to or from is not limited.